Editing Credentials
Working with Danielle Koste on both Pulse and What the Flower Says of Death were remarkable experiences. I was a long-time fan of Koste before ever speaking to her. I came to know her work so well that she allowed me the privilege of editing it when she left a two-book, traditional publishing deal to pursue self-publishing.
After I conducted developmental edits, Koste and I collaborated for months to make her literary vision a reality. She always tells me that her characters lead the story, but she brought them together, and I was just so lucky to play a part. When we arrived at line edits, honing in on each and every word was an honor rather than a tedious task.
Of Pulse, book reviewer ThatBookGal said: "...the book is really well edited...I found one spelling error and that’s it, which usually isn’t my tale with self published stories...even traditionally published books have a few errors so that’s like A+ to whoever edited this."
After I conducted developmental edits, Koste and I collaborated for months to make her literary vision a reality. She always tells me that her characters lead the story, but she brought them together, and I was just so lucky to play a part. When we arrived at line edits, honing in on each and every word was an honor rather than a tedious task.
Of Pulse, book reviewer ThatBookGal said: "...the book is really well edited...I found one spelling error and that’s it, which usually isn’t my tale with self published stories...even traditionally published books have a few errors so that’s like A+ to whoever edited this."
They Called Me Nemo: A Story of Addiction, Love, and Redemption
by Ryan Cunningham (2019)
by Ryan Cunningham (2019)
As for They Called Me Nemo, I was contacted by the main editor, Lois Schulz, and received an offer to collaborate on a nonfiction project. Schulz reached out to me due to my prior experience with editing novel-length works as well as my knowledge of hybrid texts and the publishing industry.
For months, Schulz and I poured over a composition notebook--scribbled to the brim with author Ryan Cunningham's life story--along with hundreds of handwritten letters and hand-drawn cards he sent to his fiancée while he was incarcerated.
Together, Schulz and I transcribed everything we received, which amounted to nearly 300,000 words. Per our client, Schulz and I conducted minor line edits to improve the flow of the narrative. Then, inspired by Anne Carson's hybrid work NOX, I divided Cunningham's life story into chapters and separated those chapters with hand chosen letters and drawings.
This hybrid structure, whittled down to a mere 90,000 words, weaved together Cunningham's struggle with addiction and incarceration while highlighting the important role love played in his recovery.
For months, Schulz and I poured over a composition notebook--scribbled to the brim with author Ryan Cunningham's life story--along with hundreds of handwritten letters and hand-drawn cards he sent to his fiancée while he was incarcerated.
Together, Schulz and I transcribed everything we received, which amounted to nearly 300,000 words. Per our client, Schulz and I conducted minor line edits to improve the flow of the narrative. Then, inspired by Anne Carson's hybrid work NOX, I divided Cunningham's life story into chapters and separated those chapters with hand chosen letters and drawings.
This hybrid structure, whittled down to a mere 90,000 words, weaved together Cunningham's struggle with addiction and incarceration while highlighting the important role love played in his recovery.
Editing Experience
In addition to freelancing since July 2017, I have earned a dual-major B.A. in Rhetoric & Professional Writing and Creative Writing Hybrid Forms along with an M.A. in English: Writing & Rhetoric. I have held a number of editing and consulting positions:
- Editor-in-Chief at Cengage Group for the Women in Technology employee resource group's Newsletter
- Research Assistant and Editor for Dr. Andrew Slade, Chair of the English Dept. at the University of Dayton (Summer 2019-Spring 2020)
- Supervisor of the writing center at the University of Dayton (Summer 2019)
- English Composition Instructor at the University of Dayton (Spring 2019, Fall 2019, and Spring 2020)
- Graduate Writing Consultant at the University of Dayton (Fall 2018)
- Rhetoric & Professional Writing Intern at the University of Cincinnati (Fall 2017)
- Editor-in-Chief for the online journal, Odyssey (University of Cincinnati branch; December 2016-May 2017)
- Contributing Editor & Content Creator for the online journal, Odyssey (University of Cincinnati branch; Fall 2016)
- Peer Writing Consultant and English Tutor at Sinclair Community College (Spring 2016)
- Editor-in-Chief at Warren County Career Center for the student-made yearbook (August 2013-May 2014)